Cover Art Gallery

Found 774 matches; displaying matches 501-600.

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Pullman, Philip. Northern Lights [vt The Golden Compass]

Pullman, Philip. The Subtle Knife

Rajaniemi, Hannu. Summerland

Randle, Kevin, and Robert Cornett. Remember the Little Bighorn!

Ransmayr, Christoph. Morbus Kitahara: Roman

Ransom, Roger L. The Confederate States of America: What Might Have Been

Redliński, Edward. Krfotok [vt Krfotok czyli stanu wojennego nie było...]

Reginald, Robert. The Dark-Haired Man, or, The Hieromonk's Tale

Resnick, Mike (ed.). Alternate Kennedys

Resnick, Mike (ed.). Alternate Outlaws

Resnick, Mike (ed.). Alternate Presidents

Resnick, Mike (ed.). Alternate Warriors

Resnick, Mike, and Martin H. Greenberg (eds.). By Any Other Fame

Resnick, Mike. The Other Teddy Roosevelts

Reynolds, Alastair. "The Six Directions of Space"

Reynolds, Mack, and Dean Ing. The Other Time

Rich, Frederic C. Christian Nation

Richard-Bessiègre, F. Croisiègre dans le temps

Richardson, Ken. Reich Star

Richmond, Caroline Tung. The Only Thing to Fear

Roberson, Chris. The Dragon's Nine Sons

Roberson, Chris. Iron Jaw and Hummingbird

Roberson, Chris. "Metal Dragon Year"

Roberson, Chris. Three Unbroken

Roberson, Chris. The Voyage of Night Shining White

Roberts, Adam. Swiftly

Roberts, Andrew (ed.). What Might Have Been: Leading Historians on Twelve 'What Ifs' of History

Roberts, John Maddox. Hannibal's Children

Roberts, John Maddox. King of the Wood

Roberts, John Maddox. The Seven Hills

Roberts, Keith. Pavane

Robinson, Kim Stanley. The Years of Rice and Salt

Rosenberg, Charles. The Trial and Execution of the Traitor George Washington

Rosenfeld, Gavriel D. (ed.). What Ifs of Jewish History: From Abraham to Zionism

Rosenfeld, Gavriel. The World Hitler Never Made: Alternate History and the Memory of Nazism

Roth, Philip. The Plot Against America

Rountree, Josh. Can't Buy Me Faded Love

Ruaud, André-François (ed.). Passés recomposés: Anthologie uchronique

Rubin, Gareth. Liberation Square

Rusch, Kristine Kathryn. The Enemy Within

Russ, Joanna. The Female Man

Sánchez-Reyes, Javier, and Pedro A. García Bilbao. Fuego sobre San Juan

Saberhagen, Fred. The Mask of the Sun

Saberhagen, Joan Spicci, and Robert E. Vardeman (eds.). Golden Reflections

Sanders, William. J.

Sanders, William. Journey to Fusang

Sanders, William. The Wild Blue and the Gray

Sansom, C.J. Dominion

Santos, Octávio dos (ed.). A República Nunca Existiu!

Sarban. The Sound of His Horn

Sargent, Pamela. Climb the Wind

Saudray, Nicolas. Les oranges de Yalta: roman

Saville, Guy. The Afrika Reich

Saville, Guy. The Madagaskar Plan

Sawyer, Robert J. Hominids

Sawyer, Robert J. Humans

Sawyer, Robert J. Hybrids

Schmitt, Éric-Emmanuel. La part de l'autre

Schumacher, Tony. An Army of One

Schumacher, Tony. The British Lion

Schumacher, Tony. The Darkest Hour

Scott, Melissa, and Lisa A. Barnett. Armor of Light

Scott, Melissa. A Choice of Destinies

Semel, Nava. Eesrael

Sen, Jai, Seijuro Mizu, Umeka Asayuki, and Shino Yotsumoto. The Golden Vine

Shainblum, Mark, and John Dupuis (eds.). Arrowdreams: An Anthology of Alternate Canadas

Shawl, Nisi. Everfair: A Novel

Shawl, Nisi. Kinning

Sheers, Owen. Resistance

Shetterly, Will, and Vince Stone. Captain Confederacy (vol. 1).

Shetterly, Will, and Vince Stone. Captain Confederacy (vol. 2).

Shimmin, Graeme. A Kill in the Morning

Shwartz, Susan. The Woman of Flowers

Silver, Steven H, and Joshua Palmatier (eds.). Alternate Peace

Silver, Steven H. After Hastings

Silverberg, Robert (ed.). Worlds of Maybe: Seven Stories of Science Fiction

Silverberg, Robert. Beyond the Gate of Worlds

Silverberg, Robert. The Gate of Worlds

Silverberg, Robert. Le nez de Cléopâtre

Silverberg, Robert. Roma Eterna

Silverberg, Robert. Up the Line

Silverberg, Robert. "Via Roma"

Simon, Erik (ed.). Alexanders langes Leben, Stalins früher Tod und andere abwegige Geschichten: Erzaehlungen und Berichte aus Parallelwelten

Sittenfeld, Curtis. Rodham

Smale, Alan. Clash of Eagles

Smale, Alan. Eagle and Empire

Smale, Alan. Eagle in Exile

Smale, Alan. Hot Moon

Smale, Alan. Radiant Sky

Smith, L. Neil. The American Zone

Smith, L. Neil. The Crystal Empire

Smith, L. Neil. The Probability Broach

Sobel, Robert. For Want of a Nail…; If Burgoyne Had Won at Saratoga

Spinrad, Norman. The Iron Dream

Spufford, Francis. Cahokia Jazz

Squire, J.C. (ed.). If It Had Happened Otherwise: Lapses Into Imaginary History [vt If: or, History Rewritten]

Stableford, Brian. The Empire of Fear

Stableford, Brian. "The Plurality of Worlds"

Steele, Allen. Chronospace

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