Rusch, Kristine Kathryn. The Enemy Within. WMG Publishing 2014.
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn. The Enemy Within
Divergence: 1964 CE
What if: J. Edgar Hoover was found murdered near a New York City party pad.
Summary: As an FBI agent tries to quickly solve the case, Attorney General Robert Kennedy moves
to collect Hoover's secret files.
Published: WMG Publishing 2014 (0615929850BUY).
Published: Expanded from "G-Men", in Sideways in Crime: An Alternate Mystery
Anthology (ed. Lou Anders), q.v.; and Recovering Apollo 8 and Other Stories, Golden
Gryphon 2010 (1930846622BUY).
Awards: Story "G-Men", Finalist: 2008 Sidewise Award for best short-form alternate history.
Novel The Enemy Within, Winner: 2014 Sidewise Award for best long-form alternate history.
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