Pullman, Philip. Northern Lights. Scholastic UK 1998.
Pullman, Philip. His Dark Materials
Series note: Trilogy composed of Northern Lights (v.t. The Golden Compass), The Subtle
Knife, and The Amber Spyglass.
Pullman, Philip. Northern Lights [vt The Golden Compass]
What if: Magic works. In the 16th Century, John Calvin became pope, leading to the disappearance
of the papacy in favor of the "Magisterium" and the fragmentation of church bureaucracy
into competing elements. By the late 20th Century, the Church dominates Europe but the
Ottoman Empire still exists and Tartar hordes control Asia.
Summary: A young girl investigates mysterious child kidnapings by a sinister Church agency,
encounters flying witches and sentient armored polar bears in the far north of Europe, and
eventually crosses over to another Earth.
Series note: Volume one of His Dark Materials.
Published: As Northern Light, Scholastic UK 1995 (0590541781), 1998 (0590660543).
Published: As The Golden Compass Knopf 1996 (0679879242BUY), 2006 (0375838309BUY);
Ballantine/Del Rey 1997 (0345413350BUY); Dell/Yearling 2001 (0440418321BUY); Laurel Leaf
2003 (0440238137BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Jean Esch as Les royaumes du Nord, Gallimard 1998 (2070509974), 2000
(2070541886), 2003 (2070428338).
Translation: German as Das Goldene Kompass, Carlsen 1996 (3551580081), Heyne 1998 (3453137442).
Translation: Nederlands by Ronald Jonkers as Het noorderlicht, Bert Bakker 1996 (9035117905),
Prometheus 2001 (9064940053).
Translation: Norwegian by Torstein Bugge Høverstad as Nordlys, Aschehoug 1997 (8203241573).
V.t. Det gylne kompasset, Aschehoug 2002 (8203244866).

Pullman, Philip. The Subtle Knife. Knopf 1997.
Pullman, Philip. The Subtle Knife
Summary: On an Italian Renaissance-style Earth fallen into decay as strange Specters invade, our
heroine meets a boy from our world, and all focuses on the story of his missing explorer
father and a device for creating windows between worlds.
Series note: Volume two of His Dark Materials.
Published: Scholastic UK 1997 (0590542435), 1998 (0590112899); Knopf 1997 (0679879250BUY), 1999
(0375802118BUY); Ballantine/Del Rey 1998 (0345413369BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Jean Esch as La tour des Anges, Gallimard 1998 (2070509885).
Translation: German as Das Magische Messer, Calrsen 1997 (3551580227), Heyne 1999 (3453152271).
Translation: Nederlands by Dons Reerink as Het fijne mes, Bert Bakker 1998 (9035119347),
Prometheus 2002 (9064940118).
Translation: Norwegian by Torstein Bugge Høverstad as Den skarpe eggen, Aschehoug 1999
(8203242669). V.t. Den skarpeste kniven, Aschehoug 2002 (8203244874).

Pullman, Philip. The Amber Spyglass. Knopf 2000.

Pullman, Philip. The Amber Spyglass. Translated to the French by Jean Esch as Le miroir d'Ambre, Gaillmard 2001.
Pullman, Philip. The Amber Spyglass
Series note: Volume three of His Dark Materials.
Published: Scholastic UK 2000 (0590542443); Knopf 2000 (0679879269BUY), 2007 (0375846735BUY);
Dell/Yearling 2003 (0440418569BUY); Laurel Leaf (0440238153BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Jean Esch as Le miroir d'Ambre, Gaillmard 2001 (2070543609).
Translation: Nederlands by Frans Hille as De amberkleurige kijker, Prometheus 2002 (906494024X).
Translation: Norwegian by Torstein Bugge Høverstad as En kikkert av rav, Aschehoug 2002
Awards: Nominee: 2001 World Fantasy Award for best novel.
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk