What's New
New Entries (Published)
2024-09-07: Stirling, S.M. To Turn the Tide
2024-08-14: Harris, Charlaine. "A Talk With My Mother"
2024-08-12: Smith, Rosemary Claire. "Apollo in Retrograde"
2024-08-12: Spufford, Francis. Cahokia Jazz
New Entries (Not Yet Published)
2024-08-12: Kratman, Tom, Kacey Ezell, and Justin Watson. 1919: The Romanov Rising
2024-07-12: Stirling, S.M. The Lords of Creation
Updated Entries
2024-08-12: Kowal, Mary Robinette. The Martian Contingency
2024-07-12: Burnham, Sophie. Sargassa
2024-07-12: Stirling, S.M. The Lords of Creation
2024-07-12: Turtledove, Harry. The Wages of Sin
2024-07-12: Weiss, Josh. Sunset Empire
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