Meredith, Richard C. The Timeliner Trilogy. Arrow 1987.
Meredith, Richard C. The Timeliner Trilogy
Comments: Omnibus volume of At the Narrow Passage; No Brother, No Friend; and Vestiges
of Time.
Published: Arrow 1987 (009951690XBUY).

Meredith, Richard C. At the Narrow Passage. Playboy 1979.
Meredith, Richard C. At the Narrow Passage
Divergence: c 1776 CE
What if: Britain put down the American rebellion using Ferguson's breechloading rifles.
Summary: A crosstime agent from an Alexandrian timeline is assigned to a 1971 dominated by four
empires — Britain, Spain, Nippon and the resurrected Holy Roman — but is
captured and slowly begins to have doubts about the motives of his non-human masters.
Series note: First in The Timeliner Trilogy.
Published: Putnam's 1973 (039911100XBUY); Berkley 1975 (0425027309); rev. Playboy 1979
Included in The Timeliner Trilogy, Arrow 1987 (00995160X).
Original in: English.
Translation: Italian by Maurizio Gavioli as Mercenari del tempo, Fanucci 1978, 1989 (8834701216).
Meredith, Richard C. No Brother, No Friend
Summary: Our hero learns the truth about the Krith and their Paratimer enemies following
adventures in one world with a fascist, isolationist US and another in which North America
was colonized by Saxons.
Series note: Second in The Timeliner Trilogy.
Published: Doubleday 1976 (03851111096), rev. Playboy 1979 (0872165647BUY).
Included in The Timeliner Trilogy, Arrow 1987 (00995160X).

Meredith, Richard C. Vestiges of Time. Playboy 1979.
Meredith, Richard C. Vestiges of Time
Summary: And closing in a world of Punic victory over Rome.
Series note: Third in The Timeliner Trilogy.
Published: Doubleday 1978 (0385131747BUY) and rev. Playboy 1979 (0872165728BUY).
Included in The Timeliner Trilogy, Arrow 1987 (00995160X).
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk