Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. GURPS Alternate Earths. Steve Jackson Games 1996.
Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. GURPS Alternate Earths
Summary: Sourcebook containing six alternate history scenarios for the GURPS role-playing game:
"Dixie", "Ezcalli", "Gernsback",
"Reich-5", "Roma Aeterna", and
Published: Steve Jackson Games 1996 (1556343183BUY).
Web link: Steve Jackson Games
Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. GURPS Alternate Earths II
Summary: Sourcebook containing six alternate history scenarios for the GURPS role-playing game:
"Aeolus", "Caliph", "Centrum",
"Cornwallis", "Midgard", and "Ming-3".
Published: Steve Jackson Games 1999 (155634399XBUY).
Web link: Steve Jackson Games
Hite, Kenneth, and William H. Stoddard. GURPS Weird War II
Summary: Sourcebook containing three alternate history scenarios and supporting material for the
GURPS role-playing game: Craig Neumeier and Michael S. Schiffer's "The
Terrible Ifs" and Hite's "Technomancer 1942", "World
War 2.1", and "All This and World War, Too".
Published: Steve Jackson Games 2003 (1556346611BUY).

Hite, Kenneth, Steve Jackson, and John M. Ford GURPS Infinite Worlds. Steve Jackson Games 2005.
Hite, Kenneth, Steve Jackson, and John M. Ford. GURPS Infinite Worlds
Summary: Sourcebook for the GURPS role-playing game, including updated material previously
published in GURPS Alternate Earths and GURPS Alternate Earths 2, both q.v.
Published: Steve Jackson Games 2005 (1556347340BUY).
Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. "Dixie"
Divergence: 1856 CE
What if: William Walker kept control of Nicaragua in the 1850s.
Summary: He would break the Union naval blockade and the South would have won the American Civil
War. In the 1980s, the USA, CSA, and Imperial Germany are rival powers.
Published: In GURPS Alternate Earths, q.v.
Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. "Ezcalli"
Divergence: 508 BCE
What if: Carthaginians discovered America in 508 BCE.
Summary: The early Columbian Exchange would have shattered the Roman Empire, and the Aztecs
would eventually be the greatest world power during the early industrial era of the 1800s.
Published: In GURPS Alternate Earths, q.v.
Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. "Gernsback"
Divergence: 1893 CE
What if: Nikola Tesla married J.P. Morgan's daughter Anne in 1893.
Summary: With Morgan's funding Tesla would have built many inventions, leading to a 1930s-style
future run by the League of Nations and the World Science Council.
Published: In GURPS Alternate Earths, q.v.
Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. "Reich-5"
Divergence: 1933 CE
What if: FDR was assassinated in 1933.
Summary: Germany wins World War II, the U.S. goes fascist, and the world goes to hell.
Published: In GURPS Alternate Earths, q.v.
Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. "Roma Aeterna"
Divergence: 9 BCE
What if: Drusus pacified Germany for Rome in 9 BCE.
Summary: The Roman Empire would have developed a dynastic cycle like China, along with
industrial-era technology, and control most of the world by the nineteenth century.
Published: In GURPS Alternate Earths, q.v.
Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. "Shikaku-mon"
Divergence: 1497 CE
What if: Ferdinand and Isabella's son John survived his 1497 accident.
Summary: By 2000, the world's great powers would be France, Brazil, a Christian Japanese Empire
ruling most of Asia, and a totalitarian Swedish Empire.
Published: In GURPS Alternate Earths, q.v.
Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. "Aeolus"
Divergence: 1688 CE
What if: James II remained King of England after the Glorious Revolution failed.
Summary: In 1943 Eastern Europe, a newborn Republican Alliance challenges the Habsburgs and the
entire ancien regime.
Published: In GURPS Alternate Earths II, q.v.
Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. "Caliph"
Divergence: 796 CE
What if: Haroun al-Rashid became the patron of a printing press in Baghdad.
Summary: 800 years after a 9th Century scientific revolution, the interplanetary Dar al-Islam is
cast into a terrifying war.
Published: In GURPS Alternate Earths II, q.v.
Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. "Centrum"
Divergence: 1120 CE
What if: The White Ship carrying William the AEtheling made port safely.
Summary: A dystopian crossworld-spanning culture built up after the self-destruction of a global
Anglo-French Empire.
Published: In GURPS Alternate Earths II, q.v.
Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. "Cornwallis"
Divergence: 1776 CE
What if: Turgot was not forced into retirement and quashed the idea of French aid to the
American rebellion.
Summary: In 1984 the "monarchic centralism" of the Five Thrones is threatened by the radical
Russian Dominate.
Published: In GURPS Alternate Earths II, q.v.
Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. "Midgard"
Divergence: 860 CE
What if: Vikings burned Constantinople.
Summary: In 1412 Norse-descended realms in northern Europe, Russia, and North America are
starting a new age of expansion.
Published: In GURPS Alternate Earths II, q.v.
Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. "Ming-3"
Divergence: 1426 CE
What if: A plague killed the Dowager Empress of China and causeed the Emperor to move the
capital back to Nanking.
Summary: Many fear the Ming have lost the Mandate of Heaven to rule the world-spanning empire
they have constructed in the 450 years since Jeng Ho.
Published: In GURPS Alternate Earths II, q.v.
Neumeier, Craig, and Michael S. Schiffer. "The Terrible Ifs"
Comments: Introduction to a role-playing game sourcebook which discusses alternate history in the
context of World War II.
Published: In Hite and Stoddard's GURPS Weird War II, q.v.
Hite, Kenneth. "Technomancer 1942"
Summary: Game scenario in which a magical event in Nuremberg in 1919 leads to the use of sorcery
in World War II.
Published: In GURPS Weird War II, q.v.
Hite, Kenneth. "World War 2.1"
Divergence: 1933 CE
What if: The Nazis adopted Hollerith computing technology.
Summary: Role-playing game scenario in which the Wermacht uses advanced technology for
operational analysis and crafting intelligent military strategies, and successfully invades
England in 1941.
Published: In GURPS Weird War II, q.v.
Hite, Kenneth. "Technomancer 1942"
Divergence: 1943 CE
Summary: Role-playing game scenario involving interdimensional combat in World War II after the
"Philadelphia Experiment" tears a hole in space.
Published: In GURPS Weird War II, q.v.
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk