Whitbourn, John. To Build Jerusalem. Gollancz 1995.
Whitbourn, John. Continuum
Divergence: 1562 CE
What if: Elizabeth I of England died of smallpox in 1562 and was succeeded by Mary of Scotland.
Also, magic works.
Series note: Series including A Dangerous Energy and To Build Jerusalem. A third, titled
The Two Confessions, was once expected.
Whitbourn, John. A Dangerous Energy
Divergence: 1562 CE
Summary: London in a 1967 where the Protestant reformation failed. Charts the rise of Tobias
Oakley as a Church magician.
Series note: First book of the Continuum.
Published: Gollancz 1992 (0575053550), 1993 (0575055766BUY).
Whitbourn, John. To Build Jerusalem
Divergence: 1562 CE
Series note: Second book of the Continuum.
Published: Gollancz 1995 (0575058714, 0575058730BUY).
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