Vonarburg, Élisabeth. Les voyageurs malgré eux. Québec/Amérique 1994.
Vonarburg, Élisabeth. Les voyageurs malgré eux
Title trans.: Reluctant Voyagers
Published: Québec/Amérique 1994 (2890377148).
Published: Revised and expanded from 1) "Le Pont du froid", in L'oeil de la nuit,
Préambule 1980; 2) "title unknown"; 3) "La Machine lente du temps", in
Janus, Denoël 1984 (2207303888); and 4) "Le Jeu des coquilles de Nautilus", in
Aurores Boréales II (ed. Daniel Sernine), Préambule 1986.
Original in: French.
Translation: English of complete novel by Jane Brierley as Reluctant Voyagers, Bantam/Spectra
1995 (0553562428), Tesseract 1995 (1895836093, 1895836158).
Translation: English of "Le Pont du froid" by Jane Brierley as "Cold Bridge", in Invisible
Fiction: Contemporary Stories (ed. Geoff Hancock), Anansi 1987.
Translation: English of "title unknown" by Aliocha Kondratiev as "The Knot", in Amazing
Stories, March 1993.
Translation: English of "Le Jeu des coquilles de Nautilus" by Jane Brierley as "Chambered Nautilus",
in Amazing Stories Winter 1994 and Tesseracts 4 (eds. Lorna Toolis and Michael
Skeet), Beach Holme 1992 (0888783221).
Awards: Les voyageurs malgré eux, winner: 1995 Prix Aurora for best Canadian
long-form work in French. Reluctant Voyagers, nominee: 1995 Philip K. Dick Award.
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