Tsouras, David G. Disaster at D-Day: The German Defeats the Allies, June 1944. Greenhill/Stackpole 1994.
Tsouras, Peter G. Disaster at D-Day: The Germans Defeat the Allies, June 1944
Divergence: 1944 CE
What if: Rommel was granted his request for an extra Panzer division for the defense of
Normandy, and he deployed the 12th SS Panzer near Isigny.
Summary: The extra division, plus Rommel's presence in Normandy the night of June 5-6, 1994,
results in American disaster on Omaha Beach. The Allied response, including parachute drops
south of Caen on June 7, convinces Hitler that Normandy is not just a diversion and leads
to a total German commitment of theater reserves. The invasion progressively turns into an
Allied failure. But… there still remain German elements who believe there can be no
peace with Hitler alive.
Series note: Follow-up is the speculative article "Rommel versus Zhukov: Decision in the East,
Comments: Compare to Tim Kilvert Jones's "Bloody Normandy: The German
Controversy", q.v.
Published: Greenhill/Stackpole 1994 (1853671606BUY), 2000 (1853674117BUY), 2004 (1853676039BUY).
Tsouras, Peter G. "Rommel versus Zhukov: Decision in the East, 1944-1945"
Divergence: 1944 CE
Summary: Following an armistice with Britain and the United States brought about by the failed
D-Day invasion and the mysterious death of the top Nazi leadership, Erwin Rommel revamps
the German defenses on the Eastern Front, transporting massive reinforcements from France
and overhauling the command structure. Following repulse of the Soviet offensive in Romania
in late 1944, all awaits the grand climax in central Poland the following spring.
Series note: Speculative article following up on the premise of Tsouras's novel Disaster at D-Day.
Published: In Third Reich Victorious: Alternate Decisions of World War II
(ed. Peter G. Tsouras), q.v.
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