Tsouras, Peter G. Britannia's Fist: From Civil War to World War. Potomac 2008.
Tsouras, Peter G. Britannia's Fist Trilogy
Divergence: 1863 CE
What if: Britain intervened in the American Civil War after a Union ship seized a Confederate
ship in British waters.
Series note: Series including Britannia's Fist, A Rainbow of Blood, and Bayonets, Balloons
and Ironclas.
Tsouras, Peter G. Britannia's Fist: From Civil War to World War: An Alternate History
Divergence: 1863 CE
Series note: Volume one of the Britannia's Fist Trilogy.
Published: Potomac 2008 (1574888234BUY); and Skyhorse 2014 (1628736763BUY).

Tsouras, Peter G. A Rainbow of Blood: The Union in Peril. Potomac 2010.
Tsouras, Peter G. A Rainbow of Blood: The Union in Peril: An Alternate History
Divergence: 1863 CE
Series note: Volume two of the Britannia's Fist Trilogy.
Published: Potomac 2010 (1597972118BUY); and Skyhorse 2014 (1628736976BUY).

Tsouras, Peter G. Bayonets, Balloons, and Ironclads: Britain and France Take Sides with the South. Skyhorse 2015.
Tsouras, Peter G. Bayonets, Balloons, and Ironclads: Britain and France Take Sides with the South
Divergence: 1863 CE
Series note: Volume three of the Britannia's Fist Trilogy.
Published: Skyhorse 2015 (1629144622BUY).
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