Tregillis, Ian. Bitter Seeds. Tor 2010.
Tregillis, Ian. Milkweed Triptych
Divergence: c 1940 CE
Comments: Trilogy and related shorter works, including "What Doctor Gottlieb Saw", Bitter
Seeds, "What Doctor Ivanovich Saw", The Coldest War, and Necessary Evil.
Tregillis, Ian. "What Doctor Gottlieb Saw"
Divergence: c 1940 CE
Summary: Set about 20 years before the events of the first novel in the series, providing
background on the children manipulated by a German physician to manifest paranormal powers.
Series note: Prequel to the Milkweed Triptych.
Published: Posted on-line at Tor Books in June 2010.
Web link: Tor Books website

Tregillis, Ian. Bitter Seeds. Orbit UK 2012.

Tregillis, Ian. Bitter Seeds, translated to the German as Saat des Unheils. Deltus 2014.
Tregillis, Ian. Bitter Seeds
Divergence: c 1940 CE
Summary: In 1940, Britain suffers disastrous losses at Dunkirk due to Nazis exploiting
paranormal agents and prepares for invasion as the RAF is overwhelmed. The tide is turned
as British warlocks call on dark powers to destroy the invasion fleet and then to aid a
Soviet attack on Germany in spring 1941.
Series note: First book of the Milkweed Triptych.
Published: Tor 2010 (0765321505BUY), 2012 (0765361205BUY); Orbit UK 2012 (0356501698BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: Czech by Pavel Bakic as Horka setba, Argo 2015 (9788025716458).
Translation: German by Christian Jentzsch as Saat des Unheils, Deltus 2014 (9783940626158).
Translation: Latvian by Evita Bekmane as Rugtas skelas, Prometejs 2013 (9789934842207).
Translation: Polish by Robert Lipski as Mroczna geneza, MAG 2013 (9788374803816).
Translation: Spanish by Gabriel Dols Gallardo as Semillas amargas, Random 2013 (9788415725039).
Tregillis, Ian. "What Doctor Ivanovich Saw"
Divergence: c 1940 CE
Series note: Interstitial story in the Milkweed Triptych between the first and second novels.
Published: Posted on-line at Subterranean Press, Fall 2013.
Web link: Subterranean Press

Tregillis, Ian. The Coldest War. Tor 2012.

Tregillis, Ian. The Coldest War, translated to the Spanish as La guerra más fría. Random 2013.
Tregillis, Ian. The Coldest War
Divergence: c 1940 CE
Summary: In 1963, Britain contends against a Soviet Russia that controls the entire continent
and had obtained Germany's paranormal secrets. But more serious is that the dark powers
exploited by the British warlocks are preparing to crush humanity, and the only one with a
plan to fight them is a German clairvoyant.
Series note: Second book of the Milkweed Triptych.
Published: Tor 2012 (0765321513BUY), 2013 (0765335387BUY); Orbit UK 2013 (0356501701BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: German by Christian Jentzsch as Der kälteste Krieg, Deltus 2014 (9783940626196).
Translation: Latvian by Evita Bekmane as Visaukstakais kars, Prometejs 2014 (9789934842238).
Translation: Spanish by Manu Viciano as La guerra más fría, Random 2013 (9788415725091).

Tregillis, Ian. Necessary Evil. Orbit UK 2013.
Tregillis, Ian. Necessary Evil
Divergence: c 1940 CE
Summary: A time traveler returns to 1940 with plans to avert the dire events of 1963 by
detroying both the NazI paranormal program and the British warlocks.
Series note: Third book of the Milkweed Triptych.
Comments: This volume of the trilogy is only allohistorical where it references events in the
prior volumes, as the traveler's effort is to create our own history.
Published: Tor 2013 (0765321521BUY), Orbit UK 2013 (035650171XBUY).
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk