Tetlock, Philip E., and Aaron Belkin (eds.). Counterfactual Thought Experiments in World Politics: Logical, Methodological and
Psychological Perspectives
Summary: Sixteen essays of a scholarly bent. Few if any are explicitly allohistorical, but the
volume could be read as a manual for thinking and writing in such a manner.
Published: Princeton University 1996 (0691027927, 0691027919BUY).
Tetlock, Philip E., Richard Ned Lebow, and Geoffrey Parker (eds.). Unmaking the West: "What-If?" Scenarios That Rewrite World History
Summary: More essays of scholarly nature, again applying critical reasoning to the use of
counterfactual questions about history.
Comments: The subtitle apparently changed a few times before publications and was variously given
as "Counterfactual Thought Experiments in History", "Counterfactual Explorations of
Alternative Histories", and "Counterfactuals and Causation".
Published: University of Michigan 2006 (047211543XBUY, 0472031430BUY).
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