Scholz, Carter. "The Ninth Symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven and Other Lost Songs"
Divergence: 1827 CE
Summary: Mental time travelers examining Beethoven's creative process drive the composer mad
before he can complete the Ode to Joy.
Published: In Universe 7 (ed. Terry Carr), Doubleday 1977 (0385114141) and Popular Library
1977 (0445042699).
Original in: English.
Translation: Italian by Roberta Formenti as "La nona sinfonia di Ludwig van Beethoven e altre
canzoni perdute", in I mondi del possibile (ed. Piergiorgio
Nicolazzini), q.v.
Translation: Spanish by El*iacute;as Sarhan as "Novena sinfonía de Ludwig van Beethoven y
otras canciones perdidas", in Nueva dimensión 117 (ed. unknown), Dronte 1979.
Awards: Nominee: 1977 Nebula for best novelette. Nominee: 1978 Hugo for best novella.
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk