Robinson, Kim Stanley. "Remaking History"
Divergence: 1980 CE
What if: Operation Eagle Claw to rescue the American embassy hostages in Tehran succeeded.
Summary: A lunar film company remakes the DeNiro classic Escape from Teheran and discusses
Great Men and Women.
Published: In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, March 1989; What
Might Have Been? Volume 1: Alternate Empires (eds. Gregory Benford and Martin H.
Greenberg), q.v.; Remaking History, Tor 1991 (031285126X); and Remaking History and
Other Stories, Tor/Orb 1994 (0312890125BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Michel Demuth and Anne Buresi as "Leçon d'histoire", in Le
géomègtre aveugle, J'ai Lu 1991 (2277229229).
Translation: Italian by Nicola Fantini as "Rifare la storia", in I mondi del
possibile (ed. Piergiorgio Nicolazzini), q.v.
Translation: Japanese by Mamoru Masuda as "title unknown", SF Magazine #477 (March 1996).
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