Nomura, Ted, and Ben Dunn. Luftwaffe 1946 series 2, #6. Antarctic Press 1997.
Nomura, Ted. Families of Altered Wars
Series note: Linked series of comics — including Luftwaffe: 1946, World War II: 1946,
Kamikaze: 1946, and others — which in one way or another examine a prolonged
World War II.
Nomura, Ted, and Ben Dunn. Luftwaffe: 1946
Divergence: 1918 CE
What if: Hermann Göring was killed in 1918. And, following the 1937 discovery of a buried
flying saucer, Nazi Germany poured more resources into development of Wunderwaffen.
Summary: World War II dragged on, coming to an inconclusive end following a nuclear attack by
Germany in August 1946.
Series note: Part of Nomura's Families of Altered Wars.
Published: Comic book series, four-issue mini-series (1996-1997), 18-issue series 2 (1997-2000),
and new series 3 (2002-), all from Antarctic. The mini-series has been collected in one
volume as Luftwaffe: 1946 (1997) and the first five issues of series 2 as Luftwaffe
1946: Luftsturm (1998).
Nomura, Ted. Kamikaze: 1946
What if: Robert Oppenheimer died in a car crash before World War II.
Summary: The invasion of Japan in 1946, but Japan has developed atomic weapons.
Series note: Part of Nomura's Families of Altered Wars.
Published: Six-issue comic book series, Antarctic 2000-2001.
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