McDougall, Sophia. Romanitas. Orion UK 2005.
McDougall, Sophia. Romanitas Trilogy
Divergence: 193 CE
Summary: The Roman emperor Pertinax discovered Laetus' Praetorian plot to overthrow him. As a
result he lived an extra eleven years and his son initiated the empire's renewed expansion
and the Empire never fell.
Series note: Trilogy including Romanitas, Rome Burning, and Savage City.
Web link: Official Website

McDougall, Sophia. Romanitas. Orion/Gollancz 2011.
McDougall, Sophia. Romanitas
Divergence: 193 CE
Summary: In the year 2757 AUC (2004 CE), the young nephew of the Roman emperor flees after the
murder of his parents and an assassination attempt on his own life. After taking refuge
among slaves, he commits to exposing the plot and, should be become emperor, to ending slavery.
Series note: First volume of the Romanitas Trilogy.
Published: Orion UK 2005 (075286078XBUY, 0752868942, 0752865080), 2006 (0752877097), Gollancz
2011 (0575096926BUY).
Awards: Finalist: 2005 Sidewise Award for best long-form alternate history.

McDougall, Sophia. Rome Burning. Orion UK 2007.
McDougall, Sophia. Rome Burning
Divergence: 193 CE
Summary: Set three years after the events of Romanitas.
Series note: Second volume of the Romanitas Trilogy.
Published: Orion 2007 (0752860798BUY, 0752874276BUY, 0752893785), Gollancz 2011 (0575096934BUY).
Awards: Finalist: 2007 Sidewise Award for best long-form alternate history.

McDougall, Sophia. Savage City. Orion/Gollancz 2011.
McDougall, Sophia. Savage City
Divergence: 193 CE
Series note: Third volume of the Romanitas Trilogy.
Published: Orion/Gollancz 2011 (0575094885, 0575094877), 2012 (0575096381BUY).
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk