Markham, J. David, and Mike Resnick (eds.). History Revisited: The Great Battles. Benbella 2008.
Markham, J. David, and Mike Resnick (eds.). History Revisited: The Great Battles: Eminent Historians Take On the Great Works of
Alternative History
Summary: Anthology of seven alternate history stories, each paired with a critical essay by an
historian on the plausibility and other aspects of the story's idea. Michael F. Flynn's
"Southern Strategy" is matched with Jean Baker's "The Past
is a Different Place", Mike Resnick's "The Burning Spear at Twilight"
with James E. Waller's "Racial Clearings", William Sanders'
"Empire" with J. David Markham's "The Unlikely Empire", Kim
Stanley Robinson's "The Lucky Strike" with Mark McNally's
"Exceptionalism, the Atomic Bomb, and U.S.-Japanese Relations", Harry
Turtledove's "The Daimon" with Michael Whitby's "Alcibiades,
Syracuse, and 'What Next'", Harry Turtledove's "Must and Shall" with
James Marten's "Do Not Embrace Them Too Hastily", and John W. Mina's
"Vive l'Amiral" with John Sugden's "'Vive l'Amiral'".
Published: Benbella 2008 (1933771100BUY).
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