Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson. Three Brazils
Divergence: 1647 CE
What if: Prince Moritz of Nassau returned from Europe to his post as governor-general of the
Netherlands' prosperous Brazilian province of "Nova Holanda" in 1647. There he allied with
Palmares, a large confederation of villages inhabited by African ex-slaves, to fight the
prevailing Portuguese-Brazilian guerrilla warfare.
Series note: Series of Brazilian Portuguese short stories: "O Vampiro de Nova Holanda", A
Traição de Palmares, "Assessor Para Assuntos Fúnebres",
"Pátrias de Chuteiras", "Capitão Diabo das Gerais", and "Gigante dos
Pés de Barro".
Original in: Portuguese.
Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson. "O Vampiro de Nova Holanda"
Title trans.: "The Vampire of New Holland"
Divergence: 1647 CE
Summary: Palmarian intelligence of the early 1680s employs the last "son-of-night" as a secret
agent in Portuguese Brazil, but he flees and runs amok in Recife, capital of Nova Holanda
and the greatest city in the Americas.
Series note: A Three Brazils story.
Published: In Somnium #64 (September 1996); O Vampiro de Nova Holanda, Caminho 1998; and
Outros Brasis, Papel & Virtual 1999.
Original in: Portuguese.
Awards: Winner: Nova Prize as Best Brazilian SF&F Work of 1996.
Web link: Gerson Lodi-Ribeiro's homepage
Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson. A Traição de Palmares
Title trans.: The Treason of Palmares
Divergence: 1647 CE
Summary: A Portuguese king's emissary arrives in Brazil in 1685 and proposes an alliance with
Palmares against Nova Holanda. War then breaks out among the three Brazilian powers.
Series note: A Three Brazils story.
Published: Writers 2000. Exp. from "Os Canhões de Palmares", in Megalon #44 (May 1997).
Original in: Portuguese.
Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson. "Assessor Para Assuntos Fúnebres"
Title trans.: "Assistant for Funeral Matters"
Divergence: 1647 CE
Summary: A former Palmarian agent chases Jack the Ripper in an alternate Victorian London.
Series note: A Three Brazils story.
Published: In Megalon #37 (August 1995); Outras Histórias…, Caminho 1997; and
Outros Brasis, Papel & Virtual 1999.
Original in: Portuguese.
Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson. "Pátrias de Chuteiras"
Title trans.: "Fatherlands on Soccer Boots"
Divergence: 1647 CE
Summary: In a decisive match between the Palmarian and Brazilian national soccer teams, the
Palmarian coach (formerly the best Brazilian player of all time) seems to have his loyalty
divided between the ideals of his race and the ideals of his country.
Series note: A Three Brazils story.
Published: In Outras Copas, Outros Mundos (ed. Marcello Simão Branco), Ano-Luz 1998.
Original in: Portuguese.
Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson. "Capitão Diabo das Gerais"
Title trans.: "Captain Devil from the Gerais"
Divergence: 1647 CE
Summary: A Palmarian secret agent disrupts the diamond flow from Brazil to Portugal in
retaliation for the support the Portuguese crown provides religious revoltionists in
southern Palmares.
Series note: A Three Brazils story.
Published: In Phantastica Brasiliana (eds. Gerson Lodi-Ribeiro and Carlos Orsi
Martinho), q.v.
Original in: Portuguese.
Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson. "Gigante dos Pés de Barro"
Title trans.: "A Giant with Feet of Clay"
Divergence: 1647 CE
Summary: A Brazilian science fiction author tries to convince an editor to publish his
allohistorical novel derived from a Brazilian victory over Palmares.
Series note: A Three Brazils story.
Published: In Megalon #59 (December 2000).
Original in: Portuguese.
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