Koontz, Dean. Lightning. Berkley 1989.
Koontz, Dean. Lightning
Divergence: 1944 CE
What if: The US and Great Britain attacked the Soviet Union after defeating the Nazis.
Summary: After falling in love with a 1980s woman, a time traveler from 1944 Berlin saves and
reshapes her life, and inadvertently changes history.
Comments: Explicit allohistorical content is very brief, appearing only at the end.
Published: Putnam's 1988 (555204701XBUY); Putnam UK 1988 (0399133194BUY); Headline 1988
(0747200696), 1989 (0747231648); Berkley 1989 (0425115801BUY), 2003 (0425192032BUY), 2010
(042523360XBUY); Thorndike 1988 (089621222X).
Published: Included in Lightning/Midnight/The Bad Place, Chancellor 1992 (185152214X), and
Three Complete Novels, Putnam's 1993 (0399138439). (Note that there are other Koontz
omnibuses by the latter title and that have different contents.).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Evelyne Châtelain as Le temps paralysé, Albin Michel 1990
(2226048049); J'ai lu 1995 (2290032913), 2002 (2290315362).
Translation: Greek by Marcos Chronis as Astrapi, Bell 1989.
Translation: Italian by Rossana Terrone as Lampi, Sperling & Kupfer 1990 (8820010259),
Sperling 1999 (8878249467).
Translation: Portuguese by Aulyde Soares Rodrigues as O Guardião, Record 1988.
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