Kirwan, Larry. Liverpool Fantasy. Thunder's Mouth 2003.
Kirwan, Larry. Liverpool Fantasy
Divergence: 1962 CE
What if: The Beatles broke up when their recording company balked at producing "Please Please
Me", and in the joyless Britain that persisted through 1960s, the politics of Enock Powell
found fertile ground.
Summary: In 1987, John Lennon is on the dole, Ringo Starr is living off his wife, and George
Harrison is a priest. World famous entertainer "Paul Montana" returns to the UK and looks
to meet up with his old bandmates, just as Liverpool plays host to meeting of the fascist
National Front.
Published: As a play, included in Mad Angels: The Plays of Larry Kirwan, Forty Seven 1994
In novel form, Thunder's Mouth 2003 (1560254971BUY).
Awards: Finalist: 2003 Sidewise Award for best long-form alternate history.
Web link: Black 47
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