Heinlein, Robert A. Job: A Comedy of Justice. Ballantine 1984.
Heinlein, Robert A. Job: A Comedy of Justice
Summary: A man and woman find themselves uncontrollably transferred from one Earth to the next.
The man, a devout Christian, believes it is all a sign and portent that the Rapture is
about to occur.
Comments: Explicit allohistorical content is minimal. Differences between worlds are mostly
provided in terms of visible technology, primarily in aeronautics (e.g., development of
dirigibles vs. heavier-than-air planes), and citing of different presidents (e.g., William
Jennings Bryan being elected at various times).
Published: Ballantine/Del Rey 1984 (0345316495, 0345320603), 1985 (0345316509BUY); SFBC 1985; New
English Library 1986 (0450058409).
Original in: English.
Translation: Czech by Petr Bauer as Job: Komedie spravedlnosti, Laser 1993.
Translation: Finnish by Matti Kannosto as Tuomiopäivän komedia, Kirjayhtymä 1986
Translation: French by Michel Demuth as Job: une comedie de justice, J'ai lu 1986 (227722135X).
Translation: Italian by Riccardo Valla as Il pianeta del miraggio, Mondadori 1990 (8804336382).
Translation: Polish by Michal Jakuszewski as Hiob. Komedia sprawiedliwosci, Rebis 1992 (8305202439).
Translation: Swedish by Ingela Bergdahl as Job: en elak komedi, Prisma 1986 (9151819171).
Awards: Winner: 1985 Locus Poll for best fantasy novel. Nominee: 1984 Nebula for best novel.
Nominee: 1985 Hugo for best novel.
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk