Grimwood, Ken. Replay. Quill 1998.
Grimwood, Ken. Replay
Divergences: 1963 CE, 1968 CE
Summary: A man dies in 1988 and awakes to find himself again a young man in the early 1960s with
advance knowledge of the future. And then it happens again, and again. But does attempting
to change his life, or the course of history, accomplish anything? In one re-life, he finds
altered Hollywood history caused by another such person. In another, the two attempt to
improve history and fail miserably.
Published: Arbor House 1986 (0877957819); SFBC 1987; Grafton 1987 (0246131918), 1988 (0586074627);
Berkley 1988 (0425106403); Ace 1992 (0441715923BUY); Morrow/Quill 1998 (068816112XBUY);
Gollancz 2005 (0575075597BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Françoise and Guy Casaril as Replay, Seuil 1988 (2020100843), 1997
Translation: German by Norbert Stöbe as Das zweite Spiel, Heyne 1994 (3453075250), v.t.
Replay — Das zweite Spiel, Heyne 2005 (3453520106).
Translation: Italian by Alda Carrer as Un'altra occasione per vivere, Sperling & Kupfer 1996
Translation: Spanish as Volver a empezar, Factoría de Ideas 2008 (9788498001792).
Awards: Winner: 1988 World Fantasy Award for best novel Nominee: 1988 Arthur C. Clarke Award.
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