Fowler, Karen Joy. "Game Night at the Fox and Goose"
Divergence: 1872 CE
What if: The war between the sexes took a violent turn in 1872 when Laura D. Fair was not
prevented from speaking and her message of women violently resisting betrayal by men was heard.
Summary: A modern woman betrayed by her boyfriend meets a traveler who says she can take her to
a more equable world.
Comments: See John Kessel's "The Invisible Empire" for some possible background
detail of this history.
Published: In Interzone #29 (May/June 1989); What Might Have Been? Volume 1:
Alternate Empires (eds. Gregory Benford and Martin H. Greenberg), q.v.; Interzone,
The Fifth Anthology (eds. John Clute, Lee Montgomerie, and David Pringle), New English
Library 1991 (0450540634BUY); and Women of Wonder: The Contemporary Years: Science
Fiction by Women from the 1970s to the 1990s (ed. Pamela Sargent), Harcourt Brace/Harvest
1995 (0156000334BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: Italian by M. Cristina Pietri as "La sera della partita al Fox and Goose", in
I mondi del possibile (ed. Piergiorgio Nicolazzini), q.v.
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