Ferguson, Niall (ed.). Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals. Picador 1997.
Ferguson, Niall (ed.). Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals
Comments: Counterfactual essays from historians, including Niall Ferguson's
"Introduction: Virtual History". John Adamson's "England
without Cromwell", J.C.D. Clark's "British America", Alvin Jackson's
"British Ireland", Niall Ferguson's "The Kaiser's European
Union", Andrew Roberts' "Hitler's England", Michael Burleigh's
"Nazi Europe", Jonathan Haslam's "Stalin's War or Peace",
Diane Kunz's "Camelot Revisited", Mark Almond's "1989 without
Gorbachev", and Niall Ferguson's "Afterword: A Virtual History,
1646-1996". Only the "Afterword" makes any effort to construct a timeline, and it
attempts to stitch together all of the essays in the volume into a "coherent" whole.
Published: Picador 1997 (033035132X); Papermac/Trans-Atlantic 1998 (0333647289); and Basic 1999
(0465023223), 2000 (0465023231BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: German by Raul Niemann as Virtuelle Geschichte: historische Alternativen im 20.
Jahrhundert, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1999 (3534142276), Primus 1999 (3896782010).
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