Duncan, Rod. The Custodian of Marvels. Angry Robot 2016.
Duncan, Rod. Fall of the Gas-Lit Empire
Divergence: c 1810 CE
What if: A Luddite rebellion in a Britain weary of stalement in the Napoleonic wars led to a
split of the United Kingdom between a northern republic and a southern realm ruled by the
aristocracy, and to the rise of the repressive International Patent Office.
Series note: Series including The Bullet-Catcher's Daughter, Unsemmly Science, The
Custodian of Marvels, The Queen of All Crows, and The Outlaw and the Upstart King
Books four and five are also described as being part of The Map of Unknown Things series.
Duncan, Rod. The Bullet-Catcher's Daughter
Divergence: c 1810 CE
Summary: In roughly modern times of a steampunk Britain, a female investigator with a dual
identity and living in the Anglo-Scottish Repubic is hired to find an inventor hiding from
the International Patent Office.
Series note: First volume of Fall of the Gas-Lit Empire.
Published: Angry Robot 2014 (0857665294BUY, 0857665308BUY).
Duncan, Rod. Unseemly Science
Divergence: c 1810 CE
Series note: Second volume of Fall of the Gas-Lit Empire.
Published: Angry Robot 2015 (0857664271BUY, 0857664263BUY).
Duncan, Rod. The Custodian of Marvels
Divergence: c 1810 CE
Series note: Third volume of Fall of the Gas-Lit Empire.
Published: Angry Robot 2016 (0857665022BUY, 0857665014BUY).

Duncan, Rod. The Queen of All Crows. Angry Robot 2018.
Duncan, Rod. The Queen of All Crows
Divergence: c 1810 CE
Series note: Fourth volume of Fall of the Gas-Lit Empire; first volume of The Map of Unknown
Published: Angry Robot 2018 (0857667009BUY).
Duncan, Rod. The Outlaw and the Upstart King
Divergence: c 1810 CE
Series note: Fifth volume of Fall of the Gas-Lit Empire; second volume of The Map of Unknown
Published: Angry Robot 2019 (0857667033BUY).
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk