Di Filippo, Paul. Lost Pages. Four Walls Eight Windows 1998.
Di Filippo, Paul. Lost Pages
Comments: Collection of short stories, all of which are allohistorical in one way or another.
Includes "Alice, Alfie, Ted and the Aliens", "Anne",
"Campbell's World", "The Jackdaw's Last Case",
"Linda and Phil", "Mairzy Doats", "World Wars
III", and "Plumage from Pegasus: The Only Thing Worse Than Yet One More Bad
Trilogy" [aka "What Killed Science Fiction?"].
Published: Four Walls Eight Windows 1998 (1568580991BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Monique and Hugues Lebailly as Pages perdues, J'ai Lu 2002 (2290318183).
Apparently does not include "Plumage from Pegasus: The Only Thing Worse Than Yet One More
Bad Trilogy".
Translation: Spanish by Eugenia Arrés López as Paginas Perdidas, AJEC 2004
(8496013081) Apparently does not include "Plumage from Pegasus: The Only Thing Worse Than
Yet One More Bad Trilogy".
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