Delacorte, Peter. Time on My Hands. Scribner 1997.

Delacorte, Peter. Time on My Hands. Washington Square 1998.
Delacorte, Peter. Time on My Hands: A Novel
Divergence: 1938 CE
What if: Ronald Reagan drowned in 1938.
Summary: A time traveler from 1994 goes back to prevent Reagan's presidency and ends up working
as a scriptwriter for Warner Brothers and in love with an actress. A brief jaunt forward
provides a look at 1984, near the end of Jimmy Carter's second term.
Published: Scribner 1997 (0684826518BUY); Gollancz 1998 (057506546X); Indigo 1998 (0575401427);
Washington Square 1998 (0671023241BUY); Phoenix 1999 (0753808382BUY).
Awards: Finalist: 1997 Sidewise Award for best long-form alternate history. Nominee: 1999
Arthur C. Clarke Award.
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