Churchill, Winston S. "If Lee had not Won the Battle of Gettysburg"
Divergence: 1863 CE
What if: Jeb Stuart reached the battlefield in time to support Pickett's charge. Later, Lee
unilaterally freed the slaves and Britain recognized the CSA.
Summary: Musings on how a Confederate defeat at Gettysburg might have prevented the formation of
the English-speaking union. Thus, the story could be said to be recursive alternative history.
Comments: A discussion of the credibility of the divergence is found in Hook's
The Hero in History, q.v.
Published: In Scribner's Magazine, December 1930; If It Had Happened
Otherwise: Lapses Into Imaginary History, all eds. (ed. J.C. Squire), q.v.; The
Wisconsin Magazine of History, December 1961 (vol. 44 no. 4); The Collected Essays of
Sir Winston Churchill, Vol. IV: Churchill at Large, Library of Imperial History, 1976;
What Might Have Been? Volume 3: Alternate Wars (eds. Gregory Benford
and Martin H. Greenberg), q.v.; and The Great Republic: A History of America, Random
House 1999 (037550320X, 0375408568), Moden Library 2000 (0375754407BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: German by Walter Brumm as "Wenn Lee die Schlacht von Gettysburg nicht gewonnen
hätte", in Heyne Science Fiction Magazin #9; and Wenn Napoleon bei Waterloo
gewonnen hätte. Und andere abwegige Geschichten (ed. J.C. Squire), Heyne 1999
Translation: Italian by M. Cristina Pietri as "Se Lee non avesse vinto la battaglia di Gettysburg",
in I mondi del possibile (ed. Piergiorgio Nicolazzini), q.v.
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